Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Goals for this semster

This semster I ope to understand more indepth details about the subjects we are studying... because it allows me to expand on the subject and also allows me to contribute more to the class and there fore hoplfuly i will end up helping my fellow students grasp the main ideas and possibly even some of the more indepth ideas. And due to the fact that I am gifted with skills that allow me to learn things at a very high rate. I want to help kids who are less fourtunate and make them "smarter".

Although I want other kids to be involved and learn ideas I must first put in an effort to make sure I understand TOTALLY what I am talking about so this way I woould not be leading other kids in the wrong dirrection. Which would do the exact opposite of what I am hoping to accmpolish this semster. Thanks to skillstreaming I now know a couple of ways to help me set up my goals and also acheive them. Alothough it says look up aall the research you can I probably won't go that indepth about learning and the brain. I will try my best to make sure that I listen in class and as usuali partcipate when the conversation gets slow.... if i can. I will also try to give good reinforcement to the kids when they get a right answer no matter what the diffucltiy was.... within resen of course.

Now most kids would say I want to get good grades well thanks to Mr.Kruse I now know that this is important to do in school you may not be understanding it all. And as I said before luckliy for me it is really quite easy to get straight A's and deffentialy pass all the classes. So my goals are not so much about me but helping others sort of.

Now there was the goals for school..... but i guess sports is alot more important to me. No matter how much they say schoolwork comes first I still put sports as my top proreity. This is another thing that I want to and don't want to change. Because I am afraid that then I won't acheive my maximum potential in sports. Which is lets face it alot funner that studying or reading nonfiction books. I hope to achicieve my full potential in sports for the semster too this year.

Well as you can see my semster goals are probably just a tad diffrent then most kids my age. But I see that in a good way. Well hopefuly you haven't fallen asleep by now.... I realise now that this a bit long.... O well

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